2022 National Juried Exhibition
First Street Gallery
Jun. 23, 2025 - Jul. 16, 2022
Reception: Thursday, June 23, 2022 6-8pm
FIRST STREET GALLERY is pleased to present the 2022 National Juried Exhibition. Curated by New York City artist Clintel Steed, from works representing all regions of the country. The works are a rich mix of p¬ainting, mixed media, and photography. The works range across diverse genres, styles, media and treatments, mostly figurative or abstracted figuration.
The artists showcased are Jason Aurelio-Thomas (NY), Roxanne Baechler (NJ), Douglas Balentine (SC), David Barnett (NY), Brigitte Bentele (NY), Caitlin Berndt (NY), Anthony Caradonna (NY), Susan Carr (MA), Marybeth Chew (MD), Audrey Cohn-Ganz (NY), Maura Doern-Danko (NY), Esther Delaquis-Baidoo (TX), Vincent Donato (NY), Marie B. Gauthiez (VA), Nancy Granda (PA), Barbara Herzfeld (NY), Jeannie Hua (NV), Ning Jia (CT), Leo Kang (NY), Sam Kelly (OH), Peter Knapp ¬ (MA), Rob Kolomyski (NY), Hosu Lee (NY), Paul M. Murray (RI), Danielle Muzina (KY), Billy Ray (NY), Michael Reedy (MI), Ewa Romaszewicz (MA), Gregg Rosen (NJ), Richard Rosenblatt (NY), Sean Sauer (PA), Neeraj Sebastian (NC), Caleb Stoltzfus (PA), Trenity Thomas (LA), Jeff Tolbert (NY), Keith Vogrin (PA), Raphael Warshaw (VA), Caitlin Winner (NY), Hong Yang (NY), and Naijun Zhang (WV).