Writing Out Loud Workshop
The Umbrella Arts Center
Mar. 7, 2021, 02:30 pm
There is so much going on in our lives right now — things to look forward to, things to worry about, things that are changing. Sometimes it can be hard to find the space for expressing your thoughts and ideas in a creative format, and yet doing so can make us feel much more connected to ourselves and the people around us. We are offering a series of three Sunday afternoon workshops focused on self-expression and creative fun through writing and the arts. We will draw upon all of our senses to feel more alive and in the moment.
We will use objects and sensory materials to help generate our creativity and develop group connections. We will write our own stories and poems, collaborate on group poems, and engage in energizing improvisational and experiential activities to loosen up our minds and help our ideas flow more freely. We will also bring in nature and find ways to celebrate the change in seasons and the promise of more light. No prior writing experience is needed — just a willingness to try new ideas and be a supportive member of the class. We will meet virtually on zoom with the possibility of meeting in-person when the weather gets warmer. (Remote learning will remain an option even during in-person meetings.)
The Writing Out Loud Workshops are part of a series of writing workshops on March 7, April 11, and May 16. Students have the option to sign up for one, two or all three sessions. We will provide more specific directions for each session once a student is signed up.
Please bring:
– Two or three objects that have personal significance to you
– A flavorful snack — we will be using this to awaken our senses
– Paper and a pen or pencil
For qualifying students, financial aid is available. We do not want a financial barrier to prevent an interested and curious student from joining the class.