Workshop(s): Dream Journals
The Brattleboro Museum & Art Center
Aug. 10, 2019, 02:00 pm
These workshops will be led by Angus McCullough, creator of the site-specific installation Coincidence Control, and Jonathan Gitelson, curator. Participants will be guided through the process of making simple books to use as dream journals.
At the first workshop (August 10), McCullough and Gitelson will share tips and tricks for remembering dreams, using them in waking life, incorporating them into the creative process, and perhaps even utilizing techniques for lucid dreaming. Stating one’s intentions in the dream journal increases the potential for activating these subconscious narratives.
At the second workshop (September 21), participants will reconvene to discuss their individual dream journaling processes (successful or not), and new participants will make their own journals.
Space is limited to 10 people for each workshop, and pre-registration is required. The two workshops can be taken as a series, or either workshop can be taken on its own. The workshop fee is by donation.
ADMISSION: $10 suggested donation; no one turned away for inability to pay
Ages 12 and up. Space is limited to 10 participants. Registration required.
Register online or call 802-257-0124 x101.