Undercurrents by Dong Xi
Asia North 2022
May. 12, 2022, 08:00 pm
Undercurrents by Dong Xi
Thursday, May 12. 8pm
Stillpointe Theatre
Join Dong Xi (Chao Tian and Tom Teasley) as they bring Chinese dulcimer and world percussion together in conversation in their new musical project, “Undercurrents,” developed in response to the tumultuous pandemic of the last two years. They experiment with new sounds and musical textures to embody sensitive and negative social emotions and reshape them into positive perceptions, encouraging people to approach problems with optimism and bravely overcome them. By creating beautiful music through respecting, listening, and reacting, the duo offers a model for resolving conflict and organizing chaos mindfully and organically.
COVID-19 Safety Protocol: Masks and proof of triple vaccination required.