Opening Reception for A Tale of Five Rings
Morgan Lehman Gallery
Nov. 29, 2018, 06:00 pm
507 West 27th Street, Gallery #9
New York, New York 10001
PHONE 212.268.6699
Morgan Lehman Gallery is pleased to present a pop-up exhibition at the High Line Nine, a modern arcade-style group of gallery spaces between West 27th and 28th Streets, underneath the High Line and adjacent to the Zaha Hadid building at 520 West 28th. A Tale of Five Rings is a multidisciplinary project by jeweler Jennifer Odell and painter Elisa Johns. Weaving together poetic writing with sensuous imagery and objects, this collaboration brings to life an archetypal tale about character.
Full Address of High Line Nine: 507 West 27th Street, Gallery #9, New York, NY 10001