Oil Painting for Beginners Workshop at Montserrat College of Art

Montserrat College of Art Gallery

Sep. 30, 2015, 07:00 pm

23 Essex st

For questions, please contact the Continuing Education Office at 978.921.4242 x 1202 or [email protected]

Sept 30 – Nov. 18 | Wed. 7pm – 9pm

(8 sessions)

Price: $300

This introductory painting class will teach the basics of painting from preparing surfaces to the completion of a painting. We will discuss the materials of painting, including supports, brushes, mediums and qualities of paint. Students will practice color mixing, value scales and learn different ways of applying paint. With still life as our subject, color and light will be the focus. This class is open to beginners and to more experienced painters who want a refresher or a structured time to work.

For questions, please contact the Continuing Education Office at 978.921.4242 x 1202 or [email protected]

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