Metamorphosis: Group Show, The Mystery of Hallowe’en at ArtBar LA
ArtBar LA
Oct. 27, 2019, 04:00 pm
As the season transitions from summer to fall, and all hallow’s eve is around the corner, ArtBar LA is celebrating the act of becoming something new with Metamorphosis: Group Show, in which each piece represents the turbulence and mysteries of transition, the passing of time and the sweet peace of becoming.
Metamorphosis, by definition, is a complete change of form, structure, or substance, as transformation by magic or witchcraft. The work featured in the Metamorphosis: Group Show embodies this definition.
The exhibition will run from October 27 – November 10, 2019, and it will open with a reception on Sunday, October 27 from 4:00-9:00 PM. DJ Jsun Paul will perform during the opening event.
Music by: DJ Jsun Paul
Curated by: Visual Culture Arts
Featured Artists:
Paige Strabala
Ernie Steiner
Robert Nelson
Jacquelin Nagel
Paul Montelongo
Matthew Laurence Knott
Gary Gieger
Dezmond Crockett
Jon Ching
Craig Cartwright
Mel Barrett