MANipulations, MANifestations, and MASTERship by Abhidnya Ghuge
Fort Worth Community Arts Center
Mar. 24, 2018, 06:00 pm
1300 Gendy St
Fort Worth, Texas 76107-4036
Phone 817-738-1938
MANipulations, MANifestations, and MASTERship by Abhidnya Ghuge is now on view at Fort Worth Community Arts Center. This group of work is site specific installation created using humble materials such as poultry fencing and woodblock printed paper plates, along with a few wall mounted art works showcasing the woodblock printed paper plates and carved wood. A large scale hand carved woodblock will also be on display. The installation will engage the viewers as they walk around it and through the installation. The closing reception is March 24, 2018, from 6:00PM – 9:00 PM.