How to paint Fast, Loose and Bold
IS183 Art of the Berkshires
Oct. 21, 2017, 12:00 am
Paint Fast, Bold and Loose
In this workshop you will learn how to loosen up and apply your paint in a gestural, painterly manner. If you are concentrating too much on small details at the expense of a bolder, more dramatic outcome, this step-by-step workshop will help you to learn what to paint and more importantly, what to leave out! A full explanation of materials, methods, and painting demonstrations will introduce topics such as using a value sketch, working with bigger brushes, and developing gestural brushwork. We will practice painting with less brushstrokes, simplified values and ample paint, applying all our lessons to take color and content to new, unexpected places. Member tuition available to Housatonic Art League Members.
Member Price
Saturday and Sunday, 10AM to 4PM October 21 and 22 (2 Meetings) Location: Citizens’ Hall, Stockbridge, Member Tuition available to Housatonic Art League Members
Sat, Oct 21 2017 and Sun Oct. 22