Congressional Art Competition Exhibition and Reception
Water Street Studios
Apr. 27, 2019, 06:30 pm
Water Street Studios welcomes the annual Congressional Art Competition to the Dempsey Family Gallery on Friday, April 26, 2019. The competition is sponsored by Congresswoman Lauren Underwood and will feature artwork by high school students within Illinois’ 14th District.
The Congressional Art Competition is an opportunity to recognize and encourage artistic talent in the nation, as well as in each Congressional District.
Executive Director, Danielle Hollis shares,
“We are honored to host this year’s Congressional Art Competition. This is an opportunity to show young artists the power of the arts when it comes to civil involvement and responsibility. According to the Americans for the Arts, ‘Research shows that communities with a vibrant cultural scene are more desirable to live in, have greater economic stability, and attract a more diverse and educated workforce. Artists, arts organizations, and artistic activities in general play can play a valuable role in the development and long-term health and sustainability of our communities.’ We believe that the arts can be used to make a difference and it is comforting to know that our congressional representatives see the value in it as well.”
The Congressional Art Competition is open to all high school students in the District. The winning artwork of the district’s competition will be displayed for one year in the U.S. Capitol. The exhibit in Washington will include the winning artwork from all participating districts from around the country. The winning artwork is also featured on’s Congressional Art Competition page. Local art teachers will judge and select a winner for the competition.
Congresswoman Underwood is inviting the community to celebrate local, young artists with her at Water Street Studios, 160 South Water Street in Batavia, on Friday, April 26, 2019, from 6:30 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. The winning artwork will be announced at 7:30 p.m. For more information please visit
Cover image: 2017 Winner, L ‘Arc de Triomphe by Luke Holwerda