Choose Your Own Adventure Comic Book Reading & Signing

Hygienic Art

May. 5, 2018, 05:00 pm

79 Bank Street
PHONE (860) 443-8001

Choose Your Own Adventure Comic Reading & Book Signing
Saturday, May 5th, 5-7pm

Join us on National Comic Book day for a book reading & signing featuring the artists from the Choose Your Own Adventure exhibit. Artists will include, Bradley Sheridan Rach Featherston, Jason Deeble, Gabby Shea, and Joe Dykas. This will also be the last chance to view this extraordinary exhibit!

About the Exhibit
Comics are playing a big role in art. Since we’ve been painting on cave walls, even. And yet, most people view comics as either men in tights or some kind of funny animal eating lasagna. The concept of this show is to take your initial ideas of what comics are (and what they could be) and turn it on its head.

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