Andrea Modica: Minor League and Best Friends

Florida Museum of Photographic Arts

Apr. 3, 2018, 05:00 pm

400 N. Ashley Dr., Cube 200
PHONE 813.221.2222

Photographer Andrea Modica’s collection of black-and-white portraits of famous Yankees baseball players from their minor-league days is on view now at the Florida Museum of Photographic Arts.

The exhibition, which also includes portraits of best friends from Philadelphia and Modena, Italy, is titled Minor League and Best Friends. It will run through June 30 and is generously sponsored by the New York Yankees Tampa Foundation.

Modica’s skill using light to capture emotion and tone creates startlingly empathetic portraits of these now-celebrated athletes. Each image is a careful study of masculinity and teamwork, which is a neat complement for the series of best-friend portraits that is also featured in the exhibition.

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