Abstract Painting with Joe Ferlazzo
Newburyport Art Association
Apr. 6, 2017, 12:00 am
Have you wanted to try abstract painting but weren’t sure how to begin? Have you been painting abstract paintings and want to further develop your vision and style? Whatever your experience and sensibility – expressive brushwork or calm fields of color – this class will teach you how to use your existing skills, interest and knowledge to tap into your unique creative processes and develop your own abstract language. This class will be a safe environment within which you will be encouraged take creative risks and not worry about making mistakes. In fact, “mistakes” often result in your best work! Abstract art has a rich history, and we will look at the work of well-known abstract painters for understanding and inspiration.
Class size limited to 6 students.
Thursday evenings
7:00 – 9:00 p.m.
April 6, 13, 20, 27, May 4, & 11
Members fee $160, Non-members fee $180
This class assumes you have experience painting representational and/or abstract paintings.