Workhouse Fall Arts Festival 2015
Workhouse Arts Center
Entry Deadline: Apr. 24
The historic Workhouse Arts Center, in collaboration with Catriona Fraser, presents its first national arts festival, the Workhouse Fall Arts Festival, a 2-day outdoor event featuring fine art and fine crafts by some of the nation’s best artists. The festival will include but not limited to: Painting, ceramics, glass, fiber/clothing, mixed media, wood, jewelry, printmaking, photography, furniture, digital art and sculpture.
Location, Location, Location!
•The Festival will take place on the grounds of the Workhouse Arts Center, a 55 acre historical location and now Northern Virginia’s Premier Center for the Visual and Performing Arts.
•Located in Fairfax County, ranked as 1 of the 10 wealthiest counties and the fastest growing county in America.
•20 minutes south of Washington D.C.
•An established art destination with an annual attendance of 75,000 visitors.
•The center is home to over 60 studio artists, regional, national and international exhibits and theatrical performances serving the Greater Washington DC Region.
It’s all about the Artists!
•Presented with Catriona Fraser, well respected Director of the Bethesda Fine Arts Festival.
•Corner booths at no additional charge.
•Free car, truck and RV parking.
•Friday afternoon and Saturday morning set-up available. •Complimentary breakfast and lunch provided for participating artists.
•24/7 security and booth sitters.
Why buyers will attend…
•You will be here – It’s juried, to include only the best fine art and fine crafts. No commercial/mass produced/buy/sell allowed.
•Free parking and entry for visitors.
•Great food from the area’s favorite restaurants and entertainment for everyone.
•Indoor restrooms and covered walkways.
•Extensive Media Coverage and Cross Promotion of the Event by Marketing Professionals.