Twenty Twenty (2020)
Entry Deadline: Oct. 5
The year 2020 has given rise to unique challenges on a personal, global, and national scale. We face intense social conflicts, a global pandemic that is reshaping our lives, and serious concerns about our environment.
Artists are asked to submit work created as response to one or more of these crises and/or artwork that was previously created that has now taken on new meaning in light of 2020.
Consider submitting work that offers a personal perspective or work that shares a broad statement for the planet. Open to all media except moving images (i.e. video, gifs, movies).Open to all media except moving images (i.e. video, gifs, movies).
1K Purchase Award, Dedicated Artist Page in CollexArt, Get shortlisted as a Grand Prize Finalist, Potential for Online Exhibition, Additional Artist Exposure in the CollexArt Forum, CollexArt Sponsored Artist Websites & Membership.