Transformations: Figures of Our Other Serves

Mills Pond Gallery

Entry Deadline: Jun. 18

660 Route 25A
St. James, NY 11780
PHONE 631.862.6575

This exhibit explores the artist’s take on what persona or alter ego is present in their artwork. Transform into something you would like to present as a public image of yourself. It could be a self-portrait that transforms you into who, what, or how you would like the public to see you, or whatever your alter ego may be.

This exhibition will feature artwork where the transformation or alter ego focuses on the creativity of the subject matter.
For example, transformations could be in the form of an animal, angel, comic book character, God/Goddess, etc., as long as you are transformed into something or someone else. “One persona becoming another.”

Examples of visual artist alter egos: Cindy Sherman, Andy Warhol, and Frida Kahlo. Examples of performer alter egos: David Bowie, Nicki Minaj, Lady GaGa, and RuPaul.
Artists are encouraged to share their artistic vision of Transformations/Alter Ego. Artwork may include; drawing and/or painting in any 2D mediums, traditional or digital work. No Photography.
About Our Juror

Carol Fabricatore’s work has appeared in: American Illustration, Communication Arts Illustration Annual, Society of Illustrators, and Society of Newspaper Design.

One-person exhibitions and gallery shows include: The National Arts Club, NYC, Visual Arts Gallery – NY, Manhattanville College – NY, St. John’s University – NY, Garrison Art Center – NY, Northern Westchester Center for the Arts – NY, The San Francisco Show – CA, 407 Gallery, Chelsea – NYC, Grit N Glory Gallery – NYC.
Carol has been a member of School of Visual Arts NYC MFA Illustration as Visual Essay faculty since 1994.

Mills Pond Gallery

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