The Woven Tale Press 2017 Art Competition: Painting

The Woven Tale Press Internet Magazine

Entry Deadline: Jan. 1

P.O. Box 2533
East Setauket, NY 11733
Phone (516) 381-0104

Juror: Artist Richard Malinsky, whose work has garnered awards from adjudicated museum exhibitions, art associations and prominent galleries both in the U.S. and abroad, including the Special Distinction Award at MIAB-Portugal International Biennale 2016. He is represented in the permanent collections of multiple corporate and museum collections including The Philadelphia Museum of Art, Philadelphia, PA; The New Britain Museum of American Art, New Britain, CT; the RCA Corporate Art Collection, New York, NY; and in numerous private collections throughout the United States, Canada, and Europe.

Medium: painting — acrylic, oil, or watercolor; can include mixed-media; 84 inches maximum size longest dimension. Submission of works consistent in style and medium suggested but not required.

Entry fee: $25 for up to three works

Submission requirements: images must be 2600 px minimum longest side; 300 dpi; include separate Word document with titles, sizes and mediums; bio and artist statement.

NOTE: all submissions will be considered for publication in the WTP regularly monthly magazine on a rolling basis. (Do not duplicate submissions.) All past WTP contributors are welcome to submit.

(Unlike for our magazine, submitting your own website URL is NOT re-quired. However, if we decide to feature you in our monthly magazine, then it might be time to establish that website! We will hold your hand – see our easy steps here.)

First Prize:
• Seven-night creative retreat in the renowned Hamptons, NY, destination for artists from around the world; home to the Pollock-Krasner House, Parrish Art Museum, contemporary art galleries; accommodations for two in spacious residence, within walking distance to train, ocean beach and town; full amenities; (flexible bookings; no pets).
• Publication in special winners edition of The Woven Tale Press (including cover art)
• Complimentary copy of print edition
• WTP Spotlight
• WTP (728 x 90 px) leaderboard homepage announcement

Second Prize:
• $300
• Publication in special winners edition of The Woven Tale Press
• Complimentary copy of the print edition
• WTP Spotlight
• WTP (250 x 350px) homepage announcement

Third prize:
• $100
• Publication in special winners edition of The Woven Tale Press
• Complimentary copy of the print edition
• WTP Spotlight


The Woven Tale Press

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