The Windsor Sculpture Park | w.a.v.e.s. 2016
The Windsor Sculpture Park
Entry Deadline: Mar. 31
Call for Creative Projects:
Seeking outdoor projects that will transform and illuminate the Windsor Sculpture Park in new ways to inspire and engage the public in examining its cultural significance. Activites and opportunities for community engagement and hands-on experience are encouraged.
Potential projects could include:
•Light, video or interactive installations
•Multimedia or interactive performances
•Works that utilize mobile performances
•Kid-friendly or educational workshops
•Sound or Performance Art
•The Unexpected
Successful applicants for this open call will receive funding for their participation and be determined under one of the following categories:
•Large Installation or Performance = $4000
•Emerging Artists or Community Groups = $1500
•Individual or Student-led projects = $500
* Includes production and artist(s) fees.