The UAG Biannual Banner Project- GEOMAGIC

NMSU University Art Gallery

Entry Deadline: Aug. 4

1390 E. University Ave.
Las Cruces, NM 88003

The NMSU University Art Gallery invites artists of all levels, ages, and locations to submit digital files of original works in consideration for our UAG Biannual Banner Project. This Banner project will run in conjunction with the exhibition “GEOMAGIC”, opening on September 8, 2016.

The theme of this Banner Project asks artists to create banners that utilize or represent various mediums that resemble, echo, and mimic the geological to explore our ever-evolving scientific and technological landscape. The project’s objective is to create an outdoor gallery experience, which echoes the exhibition within the UAG creating a platform to explore ontological responses to spirituality, technology, and anthropogenic geological concerns of preservation in relation to the natural environment. Marisa Sage, Curator of “GEOMAGIC” and Director of the UAG, the UAG Exhibition Review Board, and Julia Barello, Academic Department Head of the NMSU Department of Art – will collectively choose up to 6 artists whose work will be reproduced onto high-quality outdoor banners and hung on the banner systems installed on the outer walls of D.W. Williams Hall.

This is an exciting opportunity to have thousands of viewers see your work as they drive off of interstate 10 or 25 down University Avenue past the campus of New Mexico State University. The UAG Banner Project is open to all students, as well as amateur and professional artists. To apply, artists must submit 3-5 images of original artworks, which support their project in jpg format (No higher then 5mb files, if higher size files are needed for print we will email you), a short (paragraph or less) bio, your contact information, and $20 entry fee. All entries must be original and executed by the submitting artist. Please make submissions in proper banner format. Banner sizes are 96.125 x 48.125” you do not need to create your art to scale until print.

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