Splash: Attitude and Process
Brentwood Arts Exchange
Entry Deadline: Sep. 9
The 2017 Prince George’s County Juried Exhibition
Attitudes are catalysts for new processes, and re-envisioned ways of making. To use any material, or even to make work that is ethereal, arises from widely varied practices, but always embodies the artist’s attitude about creating. Furthermore, to act with style and intention in creating articulates and shares the position of the artist. Pushing the boundaries of art informs not only making art but also seeing it.
Splash: Attitudes and Process seeks artworks that embody attitude and style. All artists over 18 who live, work, study, or maintain their studio in Prince George’s County, MD are eligible to apply.
Applications must be submitted at: https://m-ncppc.submittable.com/submit
No other forms of application will be accepted