Sensory 3.0 Call for Artists

University of Nebraska at Omaha Art Galleries

Entry Deadline: Mar. 15

6001 Dodge Street, WFAB 137
Omaha, NE 68182
P: 402-554-2796

The University of Nebraska at Omaha Art Gallery will host an exhibition to highlight the many ways one can experience art to increase awareness of accessibility to all populations wishing to experience what art has to offer. Curated by Jeremy Johnson, “Sensory: Please Touch the Art 3.0” will open with a reception on Friday, May17, 2019, from 4:30-6:30pm and will run through Thursday, June 20, 2019, 4:00pm.

Works of art are almost always enjoyed exclusively through sight. More often than not, gallery visitors are encouraged to look, but not touch, even when we may naturally want to feel a piece to better experience it. Several art forms naturally lend themselves to exploration through use of multiple senses: we can explore the intricate weaves of textiles, examine the lines and curves of a sculpture and listen to the sound of chimes or beads, papers or other materials as they are being manipulated. This gallery exhibition challenges artists to create works that invite visitors with low or no vision, as well as sighted guests to experience artworks using all of the senses. Our goal is to embrace an accessible art atmosphere for all. We expect to provide information about works in Braille, large print, high contrast text and audio description.

Works sought:
A critical characteristic of submissions is the ability of participates to understand the meaning of a piece and the artist’s intent through multi-sensory exploration. The possibilities for submissions are numerous and could include metalwork, sculptures, weavings, wood carvings, sound sculptures, beadings, 3-D representations and low relief plates such as those used in printmaking. This, by no means, is an exhaustive list. We are seeking works that entice interaction-works that invite sensory experience in various ways such as use of temperature, magnetism, time. Our goal is to present powerful interactive works that can be experienced by all using a variety of senses.
The curator and organizers will invite artists to submit concepts and will happily provide feedback to artists to address accessibility and safety production details. Final selection of works will be made by the curator. Works must be safe (free of sharp edges or points and secure to eliminate the risk of falling over). Pieces must be appealing to the senses. While artworks might investigate negative or jarring aspects of human experience, the interaction with the art should be pleasant.
For more information and to submit artwork or concepts, artists should contact Jeremy Johnson, [email protected]. Artists may also contact Jeremy Menard, [email protected].

Important Dates
Friday, March 15, 2019 – Submissions Due to [email protected].
Friday, March 29, 2019 – Artists notified of acceptance
Friday, April 19, 2019 – Selected Artists to submit the following to [email protected]:
• 1 page (or shorter) biography
• Description of artwork for publicity, installation, and label purposes including name, title, media, year produced, price (if for sale), and dimensions (height x width x depth)
• And, if possible, image(s) of artwork (2500 pixels in longest dimension)
Friday, May 10, 2019 – All shipped and delivered artwork must arrive at the UNO Art Gallery

This unique exhibition is being organized by:
Dr. Jeremy Johnson, Assistant Professor of Art Education & Director, Center for Innovation in Arts Education, University of Nebraska at Omaha
Dr. Lisa Johnson, Director of Student Support Services and Instructor, Nebraska Methodist College
Jeremy Menard, Curator and Visual Resource Manager, University of Nebraska at Omaha

Artist’s Lecture
Lu Auz, Friday, May 17th, Time & Location TBA

Summer workshop:
During the summer of 2018, visually impaired teens and adults engaged in art exploration workshops facilitated by Drs. Jeremy and Lisa Johnson. Artists’ pieces will be included in this gallery exhibition.

Collaborating Organizations:
University of Nebraska at Omaha
Nebraska Methodist College
Omaha Association of the Blind
Outlook Nebraska

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