Request for Proposals: Floating Public Art in Fort Point Channel
Fort Point Arts Community
Entry Deadline: Apr. 1
The Fort Point Arts Community (FPAC), is seeking proposals for a temporary work of public art for installation in Boston’s Fort Point Channel during the summer of 2018. The work of public art will serve to engage the public and highlight the Fort Point Channel, the Fort Point neighborhood and our creative community. Located between the Greenway and the growing Fort Point/ Seaport area, the “art basin” in the Fort Point Channel is a high-visibility site near local attractions such as the FPAC Space at the Envoy, the Children’s Museum, the Boston Tea Party Museum, and minutes from the Society for Arts & Crafts and the Institute for Contemporary Art.
One award of $9,500 will be made for a prominent, temporary work of public art sited in, or making significant use of the Fort Point Channel between the Summer and Congress Street bridges.
Please see website link for full details and application.