REAKTOR Potenziale | Call for Concepts 2022


Entry Deadline: Apr. 30

Geblergasse 40
Vienna, AST 1170

The REAKTOR’s cross-disciplinary programme features works that are imbued with the spirit of the times. Indeed, what is still considered experimental today may well one day be perceived as timelessly permanent. That is particularly true of contemporary art. The REAKTOR’s call for concepts is designed to seek out that very potential in the visual arts, hence the title Potenziale. Particular emphasis is to be placed on space-defining art for the REAKTOR’s architectural core, i.e. its main hall.

The chosen artists will be invited to flesh out and implement their submitted concept either as part of a one week’s residency in summer 2022 or a longer stay for the realisation and production and then showcase it to the public within an exhibition in autumn 2022.

The application is a single-stage process. A description, sketches, and an enclosed portfolio of earlier works are sufficient. The REAKTOR team will be on hand to assist with the finalisation and support the implementation. A budget of up to EUR 3,500.00 is available for the exhibition production, together with practical assistance from the REAKTOR’s technical team.

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