Original 2D art commission for a corridor
Penn State College of Medicine
Entry Deadline: Aug. 15
The Penn State Health Milton S. Hershey Medical Center and Penn State College of Medicine public art committee requests proposals from professional artists for a series of two-dimensional artworks that will engage viewers passing through a prominent corridor of our institution. The series must consist of 7 to 9 original artworks that artistically address some of the institution’s greatest values: excellence in research and the integral role of humanities in both medical education and patient care. Ideally, the series will convey the transition from medical and graduate education to scientific research to patient care. This reflects the transition of the offices in the corridor (from West to East). It might also include imagery of our iconic features, including our “Crescent” building. Archival images available.
Dimensions: 20 x 24 to 30 x 36
Number of pieces: 7-9 total pieces depicting the following:
• Medical education and research-based graduate programs (2-4);
• Research affairs (3-4);
• Patient Care (2-3)
Audience: Faculty, medical and graduate students, researchers, family and community medicine physicians, hospital leadership; about 14,000 daily.
Budget: not to exceed $50,000
To submit or for more information, please contact: Claire de Boer, [email protected]