OPEN CALL Altofest 8th Ed. Naples


Entry Deadline: Jan. 7

via mezzocannone 19
Napoli, ITL 80134
PHONE 3392041718

ALTOFEST 2018 – 8th Edition
TO GIVE RISE TO a Human/Urban Regeneration

29th June > 8th July NAPOLI

Residency + Program

We invite you to send us your proposal
[deadline 7th January 2018]

Proposals may refer to one or more finished and already debuted works. Works must be original. Subject, contents and themes of the proposals are free.
Proposals will be considered only if regarding Live Arts field (theatre, dance, performance, and their cross-disciplinary declinations).
With no distinction among nationality, language or age. Amateur groups are excluded.

Artist will be invited in a residency to re-qualify their work, for a period of 5 days. The work will be then open to the audience during the following 5 days. The presence of the artist is required for the entire period of Altofest, for a period of 10 days.

Altofest ensures accommodation, subsistence, and a lump sum, follow the terms and conditions written in the regulation document, that you will find at this link:

Proposals have to be sent filling the online form, that you will find at the previous link:

The form is the one and only way to collect the artistic proposals for Altofest 2018.

For further information and/or questions, please write to [email protected]


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