MONSTER photo Gestalt
bG Gallery
Entry Deadline: Jan. 28
Bleicher/Gorman Project Space Bergamot Station invites you to submit to our first photography open call MONSTERphoto Gestalt.
4×6 5×7 and 8x10in close ups of animals and landscapes come together to form a surreal landscape of beautiful monsters.
Rules and payment (subject to change):
-Artworks will need to be photographic close ups of human or animal parts
-all 4×6 and 5x7in artworks will be exhibited(so long as they meet the exhibit criteria), 8×10 works are at dealers discretion
-works can be sent framed or unframed (but bear in mind framed will have a better chance at selling)
-4x6in works will be sold at $50, 5x7in works will be sold at $100 8×10 at $300
-Best in show will receive $200
-Exhibit will take place in the second week of April 2016 during MOPLA-Artists must cover their own costs of delivery to and from the gallery.