Leonardo: When the Arts Reach the Sky


Entry Deadline: Aug. 30

315 Homeland Southway
Baltimore, MD 21212
PHONE 443.468.9831


On the occasion of the 500th anniversary of Leonardo Da Vinci’s death, the Italian Cultural Center of Maryland (ICCM) in collaboration with Maryland Department of Transportation (MDOT), the Maryland Aviation Administration (MAA), and office of First Lady Yumi Hogan is pleased to announce a Call for Entries for two juried art exhibitions celebrating the genius of the Renaissance.
The exhibition pieces may include works that reinterpret or reimagine Leonardo’s originals. The exhibition pieces will ultimately reflect Leonardo’s legacy of creating art that rests on a foundation of inquiry and knowledge. Entries should visualize or materially reflect on laws of nature and/or the order of the universe, both natural and human-made (including but not limited to current events, historical events, political concepts, and human emotions).
The two exhibitions will take place in September, 2019. One will take place at Baltimore/Washington International Thurgood Marshall Airport, and other will take place at the National Italian American Gallery (NIAG) at the ICCM. The exhibitions will continue until January, 2020.

Entries represent an excellent opportunity for emerging and mid-career artists/photographers to broaden their career path while having their work marketed on display and available for sale. Selected works will be sent to an exhibition in Italy to be held in 2020.

Curator for the exhibitions is Gioia Milano, Director of Education, Exhibitions and Programs at the Italian Cultural Center of Maryland.
Contact Email: Leonardo500@italymd.org
Call Type: Exhibitions

Eligibility: All participants must be at least 18 years of age. Any artist born in, living in, working in or otherwise connected to Maryland or Washington, DC, may participate. Any artist with some Italian heritage may participate regardless of connection to Maryland or Washington, DC. A team of artists is eligible for participation as long as one team member meets the aforementioned requirements and all members are above 18 years of age.

Entry Deadline: August 3rd, 2019.Online applications are due by 11:59 pm at https://www.judgify.me/ICCMLEO500

Full Details at : https://italymd.org/leonardo-exhibit


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