L.A. Photo Curator ‘Solace’ curated by Jody Miller

L.A. Photo Curator

Entry Deadline: Dec. 31

online, CA 90068


Curator: Jody Miller (LensCulture as one of “21 Great Female Photographers”.)

Theme: Solace

1. comfort or consolation in a time of distress or sadness.
“she sought solace in her religion”
synonyms: comfort, consolation, cheer, support, relief
“they found solace in each other”
1. give solace to.
synonyms: comfort, console, cheer, support, soothe, calm
“she was solaced with tea and sympathy”

Miller says, “What about your imagery inspires solace? Gives you solace? In these troubled times, art can help to heal our “spiritual virus”. I want to see the images that bring peace and comfort, cheer, support and relief to you.”

10% of artist entry fees goes to the curator’s choice of charity. Miller has chosen
Return to Freedom, a wild horse conservation group.

We will waive the fee for 2 entrants per competition based on need. Just contact us at [email protected] and make the request.

ALL entrants work is shown on their own page with their artist statement, website info, bio and parts of their CV.

First Place winner receives Q & A with curator. Curator reviews first place winner. One or more past curators may contribute reviews as well. 10% of artist fees goes to the first place winner’s charity. The first place image is on our splash page for a month.

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