L.A. PHOTO CURATOR: ‘Alternative Techniques in Image-Making’
L.A. Photo Curator
Entry Deadline: Feb. 17
Bloomfield says, “This call is for work that is (1) hand-printed in an ‘alternative’ process (e.g., platinum; cyanotype; gum bichromate; carbon; salt, lumen, silver-gelatin, photogravures, anthotype, gumoil)— the sky is the limit. This includes any printing technique that is alternative to straight digital. In this call, an ‘alternative technique’ also includes (2) interpreting your images via a pinhole/zone-plate, or toy camera (e.g., Holga, Diana, home-made).
There are so many compelling ways of interpreting your imagery. How about a photogram? Your original should have been made using an alternative technique, whether that’s in the printing, or some primitive camera— lensless, or otherwise.
I look forward to seeing what alternative techniques you choose to interpret your original stories, helping to make them unique and all your own.”
20% of artist fees go to charity. 10% to the curator’s charity and 10% to the first place winner’s charity.
Bloomfield has chosen 2 charities:
www.rfotofolio.org (a tax exempt non-profit 501(c)(3) organization), which supports photographic arts and artists and provides scholarships.
And the Chatham Animal Rescue & Education, Inc, located in Pittsboro, NC. www.chathamanimalrescue.org
$20 for 3 images. ALL entrants work is shown on their own page with their artist statement, website info, portions of their bio and CV.
First Place winner receives Q & A with curator. Curator reviews first place winner. One or more past curators may contribute reviews as well. 10% of artist fees goes to the first place winner’s charity. The first place image is on our splash page for a month.
2 fee waivers given a month. Contact us at [email protected] to apply.
Early entries are featured on our Instagram and Facebook pages.