Kostka Gallery: Open Call for Exhibition Projects in 2018


Entry Deadline: Aug. 31

Ke Sklárně 15
Prague 5, CZR 15000


MeetFactory announces an open call for the submission of projects to complement the Kostka Gallery 2018 exhibition program.

The call is addressed to Czech as well as foreign authors active in the fine arts, architecture, design, stage design and related disciplines.

Kostka Gallery is characterized by its non-gallery typology and variable conditions influenced among other things also by weather change conditions. The Gallery premises, converted from what used to be the boiler room of a technical glass manufacturing works, are shaped as a Cube (Cube = Kostka in Czech). The space is neither heated in wintertime nor air conditioned in summertime, and is not insulated against humidity.

This is why the Call is addressed (although not exclusively) to authors of projects who can, thematically or technically, make a good use of the specific conditions offered by the Gallery premises and who succeed to incorporate the variability and coincidences of the Gallery’s environment in the creative process.

The authors are invited to send in their projects for the Winter and Summer Calls to be exhibited in the following periods:

Winter Call: January–March 2018
Summer Call: June–August 2018

Two to three different time slots, of one-month standard duration, are available for the exhibition.

Amenities provided by MeetFactory:
– basic installation assistance
– financial coverage of minor cost items not exceeding EUR 1000
– printing of exhibition postcards of A5 size
– printing of curatorial texts describing the exhibition in both Czech and English, including translation
– the basic PR (press release, social networks etc.)

In case of financially more demanding projects, the artists and curators are recommended to consider individual grants.

The exhibition room is monitored by a camera system, and the Gallery is open daily from 1 p.m. till 8 p.m.

The application should contain:
– project annotation (1–2 standard pages), plus visualization or visual documentation (PDF, max 10MB)
– artist’s and/or curator’s portfolio with an updated CV (PDF, max 10 MB)
– in “Subject” of your application, please indicate “Applicant’s name_Galerie Kostka_Call 2018”.

Submit your application electronically by August 31, 2017, to the e-mail address: [email protected].

Address your possible additional questions to: [email protected].

The results will be published by the end of September, 2017.

Evaluation of the projects will be undertaken by the Curator of MeetFactory Gallery and Kostka Gallery, Eva Riebová, in cooperation with the Curators of the Residential Programs, Lucia Kvočáková and Piotr Sikora, and the members of the MeetFactory programming teams.

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