Farm/Art DTour

Wormfarm Institute

Entry Deadline: Mar. 5

28 E Main St
Reedsburg, WI 53959

The Farm/Art DTour is a 50+-mile self-guided tour through the beautiful working lands of Sauk County, Wisconsin punctuated by Art Works (large-scale temporary art installations), Pasture Performances, PassWords (roadside poetry) Field Notes (interpretive signage), and more. The DTour is part of Fermentation Fest – A Live Culture Convergence, 10 days of classes, tastings, and art events celebrating live culture – in all its forms.

Wormfarm will commission 6-8 original Art Works to be installed along the DTour route. The work will be on public view from October 5-14, 2018. We are seeking artists (individuals or teams) who are interested in creating site-responsive work and engaging with agricultural landscape, the farmers, landowners, and surrounding communities. This is an opportunity to contribute to a unique and exciting project with a growing reputation for its innovative and effective approach to “creative placemaking.”

This project has been supported by The National Endowment for the Arts, Wisconsin Arts Board, ArtPlace America, The Andy Warhol Foundation for the Visual Arts and The Educational Foundation of America. It has received national attention and in 2016 attracted over 20,000 people from near and far. The Wormfarm Institute, creator and host of the Fest & DTour, is an award-winning organization with the mission to integrate culture and agriculture along the rural/ urban continuum.

Questions? Email [email protected]

The Wormfarm Institute

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