Creative Crosswalks – Call for Artist 2016

Springfield Art Association/City of Springfield

Entry Deadline: Apr. 30

700 N. 4th St
Springfield, IL 62702
(217) 523-6231

The Downtown Springfield Inc. ART IN PLACE Committee in collaboration with Springfield Art Association and the Springfield’s Department of Public Works seeks artists and artist teams to design, create, and install crosswalk murals that inspire the paths in which they are found.
ART IN PLACE was created to enliven Downtown Springfield. Its purpose is to unify the artistic community while reaching out to the community. We hope to encourage pride in the city, to develop interest in its history and culture, while playing a role in the revitalization of downtown.

Project Details

The Creative Crosswalks call is open to all artists and artist teams in the United States. However, preference will be giving to artists in the Central Illinois region.

Selection Process
Artist selection will be based on artistic merit, community impact, relationship to the site, and strength of proposed design.

ART IN PLACE Committee will convene a selection panel, representing diverse interests and expertise, to review the designs and qualifications of artists who respond to this call. The selection panel will review the proposed design as well as submitted past work samples and artistic resumes and select the top design for each site. The artist’s references will be contacted. Once selected the committee will present the top designs to the City of Springfield’s Public Works Office for approval. Upon approval by the City, artists will be notified and sign an agreement with the ART IN PLACE committee.

• A $1, 000 – $1,500.00 honorarium (determined based on the size of the crosswalk) will be awarded to selected artists to cover all of the artist expenses and labor.
• Payments will be issued after to successful completion of the crosswalk mural.
• Payments will be made directly to Final Artists. Principals and fiscal agents of any kind are prohibited.
• Funds under this program may not be used to fund organizations, colleges, universities, or other government agencies.

For full information visit


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