Comic Art : Fantasy and Imgination

Ann Street Gallery

Entry Deadline: Feb. 20

104 Ann Street
Newburgh, NY 12550
845- 784-1146

Ann Street Gallery is currently accepting submissions for comic art inspired work from artists in all medium for a curated group exhibition. The focus of the exhibition is to provide a survey of artwork and opportunity to explore the world of comic art, as well as, its influences on all artistic mediums.
We are interested in all contemporary artworks that include: drawing, illustration, painting, ceramics, silk-screens, models, sculpture, fabric arts, and graphic novels inspired by comics. There is no submission fee.
Open to all media.
Digital Submission Requirements:
• Artists may send up to 5 jpeg images of works for consideration to: [email protected]
• Jpeg images only @ 72 dpi (standard web resolution)
• Include on each image: artist name, title, size, medium, date for each piece


Submit your name, contact email, and website with your submission.
Delivery/Shipping: Accepted art may be hand delivered or shipped to Ann Street Gallery, 104 Ann Street, Newburgh, NY 12550. For shipped art, paid UPS or FedEx barcoded return shipping labels must be included in the shipping box. Any art without return shipping labels, ASG will not be responsible for return shipping and artists must make other arrangements for artwork return.
For more information please contact: Virginia Walsh, Gallery Director at 845-784-1146 or [email protected]

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