Call for Proposals

Chazan Gallery at Wheeler

Entry Deadline: Dec. 1

228 Angell Street
Providence, RI 02906

The Chazan Gallery is accepting artists’ proposals for solo and group shows for the 2015-2017 exhibition season.
Deadline: December 1, 2014

Please send proposals to [email protected] including:
– 15 digital images of your work (# 1- 5 will be juried in the 1st round)
• Images must be numbered and listed accordingly on
an image list with titles, dates, medium and size
• Digital images should be in JPEG format, 72dpi and
no bigger than 1.5 MB per image
– A brief proposal
– An up-to-date CV
– Please name every file submitted with your name (e.g.
johnsmith_CV.doc, johnsmith_image01.jpeg)

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