Call For Panels: Pittsburgh, PA International Sculpture Conference 2016
The International Sculpture Center
Entry Deadline: Mar. 9
The International Sculpture Center (ISC) is seeking panel proposals for the 26th International Sculpture Conference in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. Over 300 sculpture enthusiasts from around the world will gather this October 15-18, 2016 for engaging panel discussions, peer networking, and exciting cultural events surrounding topics in contemporary sculpture.
Submissions must be 200 words and include a clear but brief statement of the panel objective. Panel topics will include:
Art in Context – Sculpture and Placemaking (Socially Engaged Art)
Artistic Process Today – Studio/Post Studio
Collaborative Commissions
Digital Practice / Physical Computing
Diversity in Art
Object Making
Objective Non Objects – The Elements
Material Studies – Industry that Inspires
Sculptural Practice in Environmental Sustainability
Site Specificity – The Transformative Nature of Sculpture on an Urban Community
Wildcard Topic
The abstract submission deadline is March 9, 2016. All accepted submissions will be notified by May 2016.
To submit a proposal and learn more information, please visit the conference website: