BODY & SOUL, the 2015 Kreft Juried Exhibition

Kreft Gallery at Concordia University Ann Arbor

Entry Deadline: Feb. 6

4090 Geddes Road
Ann Arbor, MI 48105

BODY & SOUL, the 2015 Kreft Juried National Exhibition (March 24-April 12), will examine and illustrate the relationship between these two entities. Coupling them immediately suggests pairs of opposites: physical and metaphysical, flesh and spirit, earth and heaven. How do we live in the body and yet recognize and celebrate the soul? How is one manifested through the other? What do they tell us about the nature of human personhood? What might it mean to be “soulful”?
Prints, drawings, paintings, photographs, digital images, sculpture, and video are eligible.
Only original artwork produced within the past five years will be accepted—reproductions are not permitted. Entrants must be 18 years of age or older to apply.
$1,000 Best of Show
$500 2nd Place Award
$250 3rd Place Award
Fee: $25/2 entries submitted as digital images on cd
Juror: Joe Levickas

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