Biggs Picture Regional Juried Landscape Exhibition
Biggs Museum of American Art
Entry Deadline: Apr. 15
This exhibition will present art works from all media; such as, painting, drawing, sculpture, photography, craft, and video; of competition winners that most successfully interpret the theme of “Landscape”. Depending on size, the exhibition will display between 40 and 60 works. Each work must fit within at least one of these sub-themes:
Perceived Landscape: interpretations of actual spaces at particular times.
Imagined Landscapes: interpretations of spaces from the past, memory, make-believe, and/or the future.
Landscapes of the Mind: interpreting psychological states of being through creations of space.
One work will be selected by the jurors as Best-in-Show for a $1,500 purchase prize to be added to the Biggs Museum collection.
A non-refundable fee of $35 entitles the artist to submit three works to the competition. Additional works may be submitted for $10 per work. The Biggs Museum accepts cash, check, VISA, MasterCard or Discover.
The competition is open to all artists, both amateur and professional of Delaware, Maryland, Virginia, Pennsylvania, and New Jersey.