2017 Kreft Juired Exhibition

Kreft Gallery at Concordia University

Entry Deadline: Feb. 3

4090 Geddes Road
Ann Arbor, MI 48105
(734) 995-7358


MYSTERY and ENIGMA, the 2017 Kreft Juried National Exhibition, will examine and illustrate that which is unknowable, inexplicable, inscrutable, or otherwise mysterious. In an era when the popular view of science and technology comes down firmly on the side of clarity, precision, and rationality, what are the uses of obscurity, ambiguity, and incongruity? Where do we find that which baffles or eludes our understanding? What are we to do with such things once we find them? To what degree and how should we celebrate those things which we cannot comprehend?

Prints, drawings, paintings, photographs, digital images, sculpture, fiber art and video are eligible. $1750 in awards.

The artist selected as “Best of Show” will receive a solo exhibition in the Kreft Gallery at Concordia University Ann Arbor in fall of 2017.
The juror, Linda Ross, has curated over 100 exhibitions and specializes in contemporary art and craft. She was proprietor of The Sybaris Gallery and is currently curator and consultant at Linda Ross Contemporary/Art+ Projects in the greater Detroit area.


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