2016 International Krappy Kamera Competition

Soho Photo Gallery

Entry Deadline: Jan. 1

15 White Street
New York, NY 10013

Soho Photo Gallery

Images – Minimum: 5, Maximum: 15
Total Media – Minimum: 5, Maximum: 15

Entry Fee (2016 International Krappy Kamera Competition): $40.00
Media Fee (per sample over minimum): $5.00

What is  a Krappy Kamera. Our philosophy at Soho Photo Gallery is that in the hands
of any artist great photographs can be made with basic equipment.  To explore this talent, we are searching for extraordinary photographs made with lousy lenses.  Examples of some Krappy Kameras are the Holga, Diana, Ansco, and pinhole cameras. You can also create your own Krappy Kamera by using your non-Krappy Kamera
(e.g. 4×5, SLR, DSLR) and exchanging the lens with a Krappy Lens (e.g. pinhole
body cap or Holga-type lens).  Cell phones, disposables and point and shoot cameras
are ineligible.  Remember, just because a camera is old and moldy doesn’t make it
Krappy.  The lens is the determining factor.  Maximum height or width (including) frame cannot exceed 48 inches.  Winning photographs must be framed and wired for hanging.  Packing and delivery instructions will be emailed to winners.  Phtographs not suitably prepared will be excluded.

The juror Susan Burnstine is represented in galleries throughout the world, is widely
published, and teaches workshops internationally.  Burnstine writes for several
photography magazines, including a monthly column for Black and White Photography
(UK). To achieve her deeply personal visual landscape she has created handmade film
cameras and lens.

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