13th Annual California Centered: Printmaking Exhibition
Merced Multicultural Arts Center
Entry Deadline: Mar. 9
The Merced County Arts Council is now accepting entries for its 13th Annual California Centered: Printmaking Exhibition, to be displayed in the Merced Multicultural Arts Center main gallery from April 16th – June 1st, 2019.
The purpose of this juried, group show is to highlight and exhibit the best in recent California printmaking and is open to all printmakers residing in California. Work may be in any traditional printmaking media (except photography and digital prints) and must have been completed in the last three years. Submissions may now be made online, through www.EntryThingy.com. We also accept hard copy submissions.
The Merced Multicultural Arts Center is a modern, 28,000 square-foot facility providing space and support for arts education, training, world-class performances, tours, and five galleries showcasing arts and cultural exhibits of local, regional and national importance. Since its completion in 1996, as a downtown redevelopment anchor, the Merced Multicultural Arts Center has been honored with an American Institute of Architecture award. It was awarded the League of California Cities’ 2001 “Helen Putnam Award for Excellence” Grand Prize for Arts and Quality of Life, and chosen as one of only four, California cities to feature in the televised documentary “2001: Year of the Arts”.
Of the artists chosen to participate, there will be three Best in Show awards given; the recipients of which shall receive solo exhibitions during next year’s show.
A prospectus and entry form are available on our website https://spark.adobe.com/page/yS60PnqauUv5g/ for download. Please share this opportunity with fellow printmakers. We look forward to seeing your work.