Thomas Teich

Artist Biography
“In terms of beauty and art, Teich’s work can be compared with the paintings of the great Canadian naturalist, Robert Bateman and John Cody’s exquisite watercolors of Saturnid moths. For Teich’s photographic technique, one would have to go to John Sexton and William Clift. Teich’s eye for subject and instinct for composition is outstanding.” – John Paul Keeler
Thomas Teich is a fine art landscape photographer and naturalist born and raised in New York’s Hudson Valley. At the age of eighteen Tom began photographing with a 4 x 5 inch view camera that belonged to his great uncle, a talented amateur photographer.
Tom’s black and white photographs explore his personal relationship with the environment, record his passion for the beauty of the Northeastern landscape, and express his hope that our natural resources survive man’s appetite for destruction. For thirty years, he has been preserving on film the wild and quiet places of the Catskill Mountains and Hudson River. Over the last ten years, his work expanded to include a focus on the Adirondack Park and coastal Maine, areas also challenged by population growth.
Today, Tom creates his black and white images with 8 x 10 inch view cameras. The large format camera allows him to capture the elaborate detail and textures that distinguish these landscapes.
Prints range from 11 x 14 inches to mural size. Prints are hand-made by Tom in a custom-designed large-format darkroom he built within a barn on his property in Greene County, New York. Tom uses traditional wet darkroom technology. His prints are made on fiber base paper, and selenium toned for archival preservation. They are shown in exhibitions and included in private and corporate art collections.
Tom’s color landscapes, also made with large-format cameras, have been featured in exhibitions and on the covers of national and regional magazines and books and in award-winning calendars and films.
About his work, Tom says “In attempting to clarify my vision and distinguish my work, I have sought to examine and carefully balance the microcosmic and macrocosmic aspects of my environment. Western American landscape photography so often presents the large-scale view, a natural reaction to the grandeur of the subject. In my work I have tried to find harmony, to interpret and convey the feeling of our close, intimate landscape in the East without diminishing its own special grandeur.”