Peace on Earth Holiday Exhibit

Spectrum Art Gallery and Artisan Store

Entry Deadline: Nov. 5

61 Main Street
Centerbrook, CT 06409
PHONE 860-767-0742

The holiday show theme is Peace on Earth. The Gallery seeks art in all mediums (including photography and sculpture) that explores this powerful idea of our personal, geographic and economic worlds at peace.

Fine Art pieces do not need to be holiday related but can incorporate these themes as part of the composition of the artwork. Artisans interested in showing in the Gallery Store do not need to follow the theme of Peace on Earth, however, their pieces should reflect the season! For the Artisans Store, we seek work in fabric, leather, glass, wood, pottery and ceramics, jewelry, home décor including holiday décor, puzzles and games, toys, and children’s books. We always are interested in starting new relationships with artisans. (In general, submissions to the Store do not need to follow themes of Gallery shows.)

Always for the holidays, we also seek submissions for our celebrated 6-foot Holiday Tree displayed in the center of the Gallery and adorned with hand-made ornaments. (Again, there is no “theme” to follow to contribute to the tree, except for the beauty and joy of the season.)

In order to properly plan the displays, the staff and Gallery Director know ahead of Receiving what is coming into Spectrum, so submit as soon as possible. Submissions should be 3-4 samples (minimum) of your work in JPG form with title, materials used, dimensions (framed or unframed), and your price point which can be discussed. Size of image submissions, whether for the Store or Gallery, should be approximately 1MB for use in the Show and possible print media opportunities. Submit directly to the Gallery Director, Barbara Nair: Please put “submissions for holiday show” in the subject line.

Receiving is November 7-11, 2021 from 1:00-6:00pm
Opening Weekend: Saturday, November 20-Sunday, November 21, 2021
Closes: January 9, 2022

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