Fragments of Memory
Stamford Art Association
Entry Deadline: Sep. 26
Call for Artists at the Ferguson Library
October 21-January 20, 2022
Receiving Oct. 14 5-7, Oct. 16 12-2 Pickup Jan. 20 5-7, Jan. 22 12-2
Show Location: Online and In person: Ferguson Library One Public Library Plaza Stamford, CT 06904
Call Description:
We are inviting artists to the next exhibition at the Ferguson Library, downtown branch, at the corner of Broad and Bedford Streets. The gallery is located in the auditorium on the third floor of the library. This show is open to all SAA members and non-members and is a juried show. All two-dimensional media are welcome. Cash prizes will be awarded at the opening. The exhibit is part of our ongoing Art at the Ferguson collaboration with the Ferguson Library. The theme–‘Fragments of Memory’ — is tied to ‘Beloved’, Toni Morrison’s classic novel, which is part of the October Big Read program at the library.
Categories: 2-dimensional media-Painting, Mixed Media, Photography, Drawing, Printmaking
Entry Instructions: Entry through Entrythingy
Each artist submitting work to the exhibit should provide artwork that follows the theme of the exhibit. Work that is considered offensive to gender, race, religion will not be accepted. Each artist can submit up to 5 pieces.
Criteria: Artists should submit original work that has not been shown before at the SAA gallery or SAA sponsored exhibitions (except for the Faber Birren show.) Except for photographs, prints of any kind (lithographs, etchings, computer generated art etc.) should be signed and numbered as a limited edition. Giclees will not be accepted.
-File format: JPEG only
-File dimensions: No smaller than 1920 pixels on the longest side?
-File resolution: 72 ppi/dpi (standard web resolution)
-File size: 5 MB maximum
JPEG images MUST BE labeled as follows:
Your LastName_Title_Media _Price_Dimensions Example: Smith_Early Spring_Oil_500_12x16.jpg?
Height must be given before width regardless of whether the work is a vertical or a horizontal. Note that Dimensions include framed size.
ARTISTS ACCEPTANCE NOTIFICATION: Artist Acceptance will be posted on the SAA’s website go to Opportunities Call for Artists Learn More button.
A non-refundable fee of $25 for first piece entry. and $5 for each additional entry that is submitted at the same time. Up to 5 entries are permitted. Multiple entries from the same artist MUST BE SUBMITTED at the same time to take advantage of the lowered admission fee. Entry fees must be paid to the Stamford Art Association Pay Pal link, which accepts credit cards. Artist are responsible for all shipping costs for sold artwork. Your entry will not be valid until payment is received.
Up to $400 in awards will be given based on excellence and conformity to the theme.
The galley will take 25% on commission on any work sold. Work not for sale must be marked NFS. No ‘price on request’ sales allowed.
The SAA must submit 6.35% sales tax to the State of Connecticut on the purchase price.
-All delivery of art work is the responsibility of the artist if the buyer can not pick up the work during the pick up hours on Jan. 20/22.
-Do NOT use ‘No Publicity’ option as image will not be displayed.
-Work that is for sale — remember to enter price.
-Do NOT enter anything other than price or NFS in Price field
-When entering artist information enter your name with first letter capitalized and the rest small caps-John Doe
Default Instructions for Entrants After Entry is Submitted:
Artist Acceptance will be posted on the SAA’s website the week of October 3. Go to Opportunities Call for Artists Learn More button
Instructions for Accepted Entrants:
Work must be framed under Plexiglas and wired for hanging, not larger than 48 x 60 framed. Work framed under glass or not wired will not be accepted. Further information on exhibit requirements will be posted on the Stamford Art Association’s website: .
Receiving is Thursday Oct. 14 5-7 and Saturday October 16 10-12. Receiving is on the third floor of the Ferguson Library. Signs will be posted for the receiving area. Further information will be supplied with acceptance notification. Any changes to dates, etc. will be posted on the SAA website. Pick up is Thursday Jan. 20 5-7, Saturday Jan 22 10-2 at the Ferguson. However, if you are unable to pick up your work on the arranged pick up dates or at the opening reception you will be charged a $10 per day storage fee. Work has to remain up for the duration of the show.