Dan Namingha Points Connecting: Land and Humanity
David Richard Gallery
Jun. 23, 2021, 04:00 pm
David Richard Gallery is pleased to present Points Connecting: Land and Humanity, an exhibition of new paintings by Native American artist Dan Namingha in his first solo exhibition with David Richard Gallery in New York. The presentation includes 18 contemporary acrylic paintings on stretched canvases mostly created in 2020 and 2021, except for 4 paintings created in 2019. The largest painting (from 2019) measures 60 x 120 inches, while the rest are more aisle-sized and range from 54 x 60 inches to 16 x 12 inches in size. Ten paintings from Namingha’s series, Points Connecting, are very contemporary with a Modernist sensibility and read as non-objective geometric abstractions with a combination of rectilinear and curvilinear forms in black situated on creamy white grounds and several with additional shapes in yellow, blue, red-orange and light green hues. The remaining eight paintings are reductive, relatively geometric landscape paintings comprised of mesas, night skies and mountains inspired by and referencing locations on Tewa lands on the Hopi reservations, mostly located in northern Arizona and northwestern New Mexico.