2021 ArtWalk

West Windsor Arts

May. 22, 2021, 11:00 am

952 Alexander Road
PHONE 609 716-1931


Join West Windsor Arts for their second annual ArtWalk on May 22nd from 11AM-2PM (Rain Date: May 23rd). Featuring a 1-mile family fun walk with art activities, family picnic, music, and more! Your registration includes art activities and completion certificate. Walk our route and pick up craft items along the way. We will keep everyone motivated and moving as they complete our 1-mile course. Return to the Arts Center to get your walk certificate, make your crafts, eat your picnic lunch under tents, and groove to the music.

Registration is $25 per family of up to 4, children under 3 are free, $8 for individuals. Every registration will be entered to win one of three prize packages worth over $100!

For more information please visit the WWA website at https://westwindsorarts.org/event/artwalk-2021/

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