2015 Art Olympia, International Open Art Competition

Art Olympia Executive Committee

Entry Deadline: Dec. 3

4 Miyacho Omiya-ku, Saitama-shi, Saitama 330-0802
tokyo, GM


What Is Art Olympia?

With three entry bases in Tokyo, New York, and Paris, Art Olympia is a public art contest open to artists from all over the world with the goal of discovering talent. Established as a biennial, the contest is to be held every two years. As its first contest, Art Olympia 2015 seeks two-dimensional artworks. Prizes will be distributed to the winners to help them advance their path and their creative scope.


Art Olympia will revolve around three concepts.
1. Development of a hub for cultural exchange among world artists …… (HUB)
Most artists work in their home country. However, there may be some artists who can receive excellent reviews overseas rather than in their home country. Art Olympia can service as a hub for artists, find talented artists, and introduce them to opportunities where they gain exposure and promotion.
2. Discovery of talent that can succeed globally …… (Excavation)
Art Olympia accepts entries from all over the world and invites a panel of prominent judges from the art world. Through the international eyes of judges from various regions of the world, we will discover artists who can succeed globally.
3. Creation of new art with world artists for the next generation …… (Practice)
It is our ultimate goal to bring an opportunity for world artists to create new art for the next generation. We aim to provide artists with an opportunity to expand overseas and engage in cultural exchange and believe that entirely original artwork will be created when artists stimulate each other. Given our love for art, it will be our utmost pleasure to see the activities of Art Olympia contribute to creating new art for the next generation and a new appreciation for the beauty of art.


1) Accepts Entries Worldwide:
Entries are accepted from all over the world through our entry bases in Tokyo, New York, and Paris. At each base, 80 artworks (60 pieces from the Open Category, 20 pieces from the Student Category) will be selected, and a total of approximately 240 artworks will be entered for the final review in Tokyo.

2) International Jury:
Judges will be invited from Japan, the United States, and France for the final review in Tokyo. It will be an exclusive opportunity for you to have your work judged by a panel of international judges.

3) Fair and Transparency in Judging Process:
At Art Olympia, a point system is used for judging. At the Tokyo base, all entrants will be informed of their points and ranking.

4) Supporting Young Artists:
To support young artists, the Student Category was developed for artists who are enrolled in a school. Entrants who are students will automatically and simultaneously participate in both Open and Student Categories.

5) Opportunities:
Art Olympia is held every two years. By using a point system for judging, entrants will be informed of their results. If you enter consecutive competitions, you can see how the reviews of your artwork have changed in two years.


Approx. US$500,000 Total number of winners: Approx. 240 persons
Open Category (Approx. 180 winners)
First prize [Gold] (one winner) $120,000 (Trophy + extra prize*1)
Second prize [Silver] (one winner) $30,000 (Trophy + extra prize*1)
Third prize [Bronze] (one winner) $20,000 (Trophy + extra prize*1)
Fourth prize (one winner) $3,000 (Certificate + extra prize*2)
Fifth prize (one winner) $2,000 (Certificate + extra prize*2)
Sixth prize (one winner) $1,000 (Certificate + extra prize*2)
Jury and committee’s special awards (Approx. 20 winners) $1,000 (Certificate + extra prize*2)
Prizewinners (40 winners) $700 (Certificate + extra prize*2)
Honorable mentions (Approx. 120 winners) $500 (Certificate + extra prize*2)
Student Category (Approx. 60 winners)
First prize [Gold] (one winner) $20,000 (Trophy + extra prize*1)
Second prize [Silver] (one winner) $10,000 (Trophy + extra prize*2)
Third prize [Bronze] (one winner) $5,000 (Trophy + extra prize*2)
Fourth prize (one winner) $3,000 (Certificate + extra prize*2)
Fifth prize (one winner) $2,000 (Certificate + extra prize*2)
Sixth prize (one winner) $1,000 (Certificate + extra prize*2)
Jury and committee’s special awards (Approx. 20 winners) $1,000 (Certificate + extra prize*2)
Prizewinners (10 winners) $700 (Certificate + extra prize*2)
Honorable mentions (Approx. 30 winners) $500 (Certificate + extra prize*2)
*1 Artwork will be showcased in a collective exhibition in Tokyo; the winner’s name and artwork will be featured in an art magazine
*2 Artwork will be showcased in a collective exhibition in Tokyo; the winner’s name will be featured in an art magazine
* All prize-winning and selected artworks will be showcased in an exhibition in Tokyo
* All prize-winning and selected artworks will be featured on the website


In addition to the Open Category, Art Olympia has set the Student Category to support young artists. If you are a student, one entry entitles you to simultaneously participate in both categories: the Open Category, where entrants can compete with all entrants, and the Student Category. Approx. 60 winners will be awarded from only the Student Category.


Fairness and Transparency in Judging Process:
A point system is used for judging, and each artwork will be evaluated on the basis of the total points of all jury members. After the final review, earned points of all winners will be announced (All entrants in Japan will be informed of their points).

International Jury:
At the final review in Tokyo, a panel of international judges invited from the world’s three locations will evaluate your artwork. You would not want to miss such an exclusive opportunity to have your work evaluated by influential voices from both in and outside your country. Art Olympia aims to achieve an international and multidimensional approach in

To evaluate works that have received divided reviews or works that are difficult to evaluate with the total points solely, the Jury and Committee’s Special Award has been established. Artworks selected as the best by each juror and committee member will be awarded.

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