Driven to Abstraction
The Umbrella Community Art Center
Entry Deadline: Dec. 1
This show is open to all 2D and 3D artists who work in the abstract. Work must be original and have been completed in the past three years. All work will be juried by Dana Salvo, owner of Clark Gallery. Unfortunately, we are not able to support video or audio work.
To apply, email the following materials to Miranda Aisling Hynes, Studio Arts Coordinator, at [email protected] by December 1 at 5:00 pm:
High Resolution JPEG images of 3 pieces labeled as follows: LastName_FirstName(1)
An image list with size, medium, date, and price
An artist statement and CV
Non-refundable application fee:
$35 non-refundable fee for up to 3 pieces.
$25 for The Umbrella’s resident artists and staff.
Application fees can be mailed to The Umbrella, 40 Stow Street, Concord, MA 01742
All work must be for sale. The Umbrella takes 25% of each sale and the balance will be paid at the end of the show. The artist agrees to allow accepted work to remain with the exhibit until the close of the show. We reserve the right to photograph work for publicity purposes.