Antlered Spirits: Art Inspired by White-tails, Reindeer, Caribou, Elk, Moose, and Other Members of the Deer Tribe
True North
Entry Deadline: Oct. 27
True North Gallery is seeking submissions for “Antlered Spirits: Art Inspired by White-tails, Reindeer, Caribou, Elk, Moose, and Other Members of the Deer Tribe,” a group exhibition that will run from Saturday, November 15, 2014 until Wednesday, December 31, 2014. (Please feel free to share this Call for Entries with other artists!)
Both two and three-dimensional work is eligible. Three-dimensional entries in clay, wood, stone, glass, metal, fiber, and mixed media must be free-standing and not exceed 18” x 18” in dimensions.
All work must be in some way inspired by the form or spirit of deer. When thinking about deer, consider the following:
The deer often exists in an intermediary place between present and absent. One minute it can be quietly grazing, appearing oblivious to the world around it, but then, when it hears a blade of grass break, it’s gone in the blink of an eye. When a deer suddenly appears before us, it is nearly impossible not feel a sense of startled awe. And when it vanishes, we feel the urge to take a few steps where it had been and then perhaps a few more, if we should see its tracks. Before long, the deer has led us into the forest—a place of wildness and uncertainty, symbolizing the unconscious and the idea of initiation. Because the deer can lead us in this way, and because it can seemingly appear and disappear at will, many cultures have perceived it as a spirit guardian that carries the soul to the otherworld. In the Celtic pagan tradition, Cernunnos, a stag-like god, escorts the souls of the dying to the next world, and in Siberian shamanic tradition, reindeer aid shamans in their journeys to the spirit realm. Along similar lines, deer have also been seen as guides who help pilgrims find their true paths. —Belinda Recio, Gallery Director
Monday, October 27: Entries Due
Thursday, October 31: Notification of Acceptance
Saturday, November 8: Accepted works due at gallery
Saturday, November 15: Exhibition Opens / Artists’ Reception
Wednesday, December 31, 2014: Exhibition Closes
SALES: All artwork must be available for sale. A commission of 40% is required on all sales.
ELIGIBILITY: All artists 18 years and older are eligible. Younger artists may submit under the guardianship of a parent.
SUBMISSION GUIDELINES: Digital submissions only. Please use the jpeg format. Label each of your submissions with your last name and a number, such as Smith1.jpeg.
Please include title of work, dimensions, medium, and retail price for each of your labeled submissions. Also include your name, address, phone number, and brief artist statement with your submission.
True North Gallery has the option, upon receipt of the artwork, of rejecting from the exhibition any works determined unsafe or unstable or not commensurate with submitted digital images.
If you deliver the artwork in person, please make arrangements with the gallery. Shipping to and from the gallery is the responsibility of the artist. Payment arrangements for return shipping will be made on an individual basis.
All work submitted for exhibition must be removed at the time designated. Artists who want to pick up their work in person need to make arrangements with the gallery regarding pick-up.
All artwork will be insured against loss or damage while on exhibit at the gallery. While work is in transit, coming to and returning from the gallery, liability and insurance are the responsibility of the artist.
CANCELLATION: The gallery reserves the right to cancel or postpone the exhibition, at its discretion, prior to the Notification of Acceptance.
True North Gallery
25 Woodbury Street
South Hamilton, MA 01982
[email protected]