Middleground Magazine Call for Entries


Entry Deadline: Oct. 28



Middleground is an online magazine focused on publishing the stories and experiences of writers and artists of mixed ethnic backgrounds. It was born from a desire to achieve better understanding of mixed identities and offer a community to those who identify as part of this group.

Who can submit work?
Middleground focuses on the voices of people of colour with mixed heritages. If you identify as such, and have a desire to tell or explore your racial identity and its meanings, ambivalences, and beauty, we’d love to hear from you.

What are we looking for?
Exploration of one’s identity is a diverse and fluid journey, and Middleground wants to honour that.

We accept:
– Non-fiction up to 2,500 words
– Fiction up to 2,500 words
– Up to three poems per submission
– Illustrations, photography, digital artwork, etc.

Please note that all contributors will be paid a small fee.

Our submission guidelines can be found here: https://www.middlegroundmagazine.co.uk/submissions

For further information, please contact [email protected] or visit https://www.middlegroundmagazine.co.uk

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