West Windsor Arts Center- Opening Reception For STEAM

West Windsor Arts Center

Sep. 22, 2019, 04:00 pm

952 Alexander Road
Phone: 609-716-1931


The West Windsor Arts Center invites you to the opening reception for STEAM. This is the fourth and final exhibit in a series of STEAM–previous juried shows explored the relationships of each discipline of the acronym (Science, Technology, Engineering, and now Math) with art.

The Relationship of Mathematics and Art
Despite being thought of as originating from opposite hemispheres of the human brain, mathematics and art have long been intertwined and enjoy a strong creative relationship. Artists such as Leonardo da Vinci and Albrecht Dürer famously used mathematics in order to help drive their creativity. Mathematical concepts such as the Rule of Thirds and the Golden Ratio continue to serve as the backbone for works that artists create today. While mathematics has a defined set of rules and formulas, we as artists can push the envelope and bend the rules in order to explore the less restrictive outer realms of creativity. Artists can use mathematics as a defined structure in which to operate (e.g., Hamid Naderi Yeganeh) or a spring board from which to leap and play creatively (e.g., MC Escher). As the field of mathematics continues to advance exponentially and drive much of modern society and economics, the relationship between mathematics and art shows no sign of slowing down. Free and open to the public.

Location: 952 Alexander Road Princeton Junction, NJ 08550
Phone: 609-716-1931

Date and Time: Sunday September 22, 2019 from 4pm-6pm
Please visit https://westwindsorarts.org/exhibition/steam-series-math-and-art/ for more information.

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